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Advanced Reactor Types and China’s Nuclear Power Industry

Hu Yalei

Strategic Study of CAE 2005, Volume 7, Issue 11,   Pages 98-102


This article describes the four generation of reactor types.Firstly, it looks back the development of the 1st. and 2nd. generation reactor types; Secondly, explainsthe development and the design characteristics of several typical 3rd generation advanced reactor typesFinally, it introduces the related situation in China's nuclear power industry.

Keywords: advanced reactor types     China’s nuclear power industry    

HPR1000: Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor with Active and Passive Safety Review

Ji Xing, Daiyong Song, Yuxiang Wu

Engineering 2016, Volume 2, Issue 1,   Pages 79-87 doi: 10.1016/J.ENG.2016.01.017


HPR1000 is an advanced nuclear power plant (NPP) with the significant feature of an active and passiveone hand, it is an evolutionary design based on proven technology of the existing pressurized water reactorNPP; on the other hand, it incorporates advanced design features including a 177-fuel-assembly coreexperiments and tests have been performed for critical innovative improvements on passive systems, the reactorpower markets.

Keywords: HPR1000     Active and passive safety     Advanced nuclear power reactor    

Dynamic simulation of a space gas-cooled reactor power system with a closed Brayton cycle

Frontiers in Energy 2021, Volume 15, Issue 4,   Pages 916-929 doi: 10.1007/s11708-021-0757-9

Abstract: Space nuclear reactor power (SNRP) using a gas-cooled reactor (GCR) and a closed Brayton cycle (CBC)is the ideal choice for future high-power space missions.In full-power steady-state operation, the core hot spot of 1293 K occurs near the upper part of the coreThe system finally has the ability to achieve a new steady-state with a higher reactor power.When the GCR is shut down in an emergency, the residual heat of the reactor can be removed through the

Keywords: gas-cooled space nuclear reactor power     closed Brayton cycle     system startup and shutdown     positive reactivity    

Computational Tools for the Integrated Design of Advanced Nuclear Reactors

Nicholas W. Touran,John Gilleland,Graham T. Malmgren,Charles Whitmer,William H. Gates III

Engineering 2017, Volume 3, Issue 4,   Pages 518-526 doi: 10.1016/J.ENG.2017.04.016


Advanced nuclear reactors offer safe, clean, and reliable energy at the global scale.An integrated reactor modeling framework that enables seamless communication, coupling, automation, andcontinuous development brings significant new capabilities and efficiencies to the practice of reactorTerraPower has developed such a tool—the Advanced Reactor Modeling Interface (ARMI) code system—and has deployed it to support the TerraPower Traveling Wave Reactor design and other innovative

Keywords: Simulation     Nuclear energy     Electricity generation     Advanced reactor     Traveling wave reactor    

The Traveling Wave Reactor: Design and Development Review

John Gilleland, Robert Petroski, Kevan Weaver

Engineering 2016, Volume 2, Issue 1,   Pages 88-96 doi: 10.1016/J.ENG.2016.01.024


The traveling wave reactor (TWR) is a once-through reactor that uses in situ breeding toThe most practical embodiments of the TWR involve moving the fuel while keeping the nuclear reactionsin one place−sometimes referred to as the standing wave reactor (SWR).Spent light water reactor (LWR) fuel may also serve as TWR reload fuel.depleted uranium, where after the startup period, no enrichment facilities are needed to sustain the first reactor

Keywords: Nuclear energy     Electricity generation     Advanced reactor     Traveling wave reactor     Sustainability    

A perspective of “Nuclear Hot Spring” for long-term sustainable economy of the world

Yingzhong LU

Frontiers in Energy 2011, Volume 5, Issue 4,   Pages 349-357 doi: 10.1007/s11708-011-0168-4

Abstract: The nuclear fission (and fusion later), however, could release huge amount of energy to create sufficientresources and turn the said pessimistic modelinto a new optimistic “Sustainable World Model”.The dilemma of nuclearThe proposed full-power natural circulation “Nuclear Hot Spring (NHS)” reactor could operate solely onThe cheap, unlimited supply of energy from nuclear energy could change the geopolitics forever, and finally

Keywords: natural safety reactor     full power natural circulation     sustainable world economy    

An old issue and a new challenge for nuclear reactor safety


Frontiers in Energy 2021, Volume 15, Issue 4,   Pages 854-859 doi: 10.1007/s11708-021-0729-0

Abstract: Nuclear reactor safety (NRS) and the branch accident analysis (AA) constitute proven technologies: theseamong the other things, long lasting research and operational experience in the area of water cooled nuclearWeaknesses became evident, noticeably in relation to nuclear fuel under high burn-up.

Keywords: large break loss of coolant accident (LBLOCA)     nuclear reactor safety (NRS)     licensing perspectives     basisfor design of water cooled nuclear reactors (WCNR)    

Project Construction and Important Technical Innovation for Qinshan Phase III (PHWR) Nuclear Power Plant

Third Qinshan Nuclear Power Co. Ltd, CNNC

Strategic Study of CAE 2008, Volume 10, Issue 3,   Pages 73-86


Qinshan Phase III (PHWR) Nuclear Power Plant, the first commercial heavy water reactor nuclear powerAs the owner, the Third Qinshan Nuclear Power Company (TQNPC) persisted in independent innovation managementThe project construction practice has helped China’s nuclear power project management to becomepower plant and nuclear power qinshan joint venture company, the improvement and developemnt of nuclearpower project management level in Qinshan Phase III (PHWR) nuclear power plant provided reference for

Keywords: Qinshan Phase III heavy water reactor     nuclear power plant     project construction     technical innovation    

Igniting the engine, devoting to project development——outline of project development in nuclear energy

Mao Xiaoming

Strategic Study of CAE 2012, Volume 14, Issue 8,   Pages 14-16


As China's nuclear industry flagship in developing overseas nuclear, with project development as its engine, makes unremitting efforts in the development of 1 000 MWe nuclearpower plants, nuclear research reactors, In hospital nuclear irradiation and modular small type reactor, and contributes to the peaceful use of nuclear energy and technology.

Keywords: 1 000 MW nuclear power plant     nuclear research reactor     in hospital nuclear irradiation     modular smalltype reactor    

Development of Lead-Based Reactor Marine Nuclear Power

Wu Yican , Bai Yunqing, Li Chunjing, Li Yang, Liu Shaojun, Wang Fang, Jiang Jieqiong, Wu Qingsheng , Liu Chao, Zhou Danna, FDS Consortium

Strategic Study of CAE 2024, Volume 26, Issue 2,   Pages 63-73 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2024.02.015


Lead-based reactor nuclear power has the advantages of inherent safetyConducting research on lead-based reactor marine nuclear power is key to the technological innovationMoreover, the study explores the development challenges for lead-based reactor marine nuclear powerand proposes there feasible technical routes: low-temperature lead-based reactor marine nuclear powerlead-based reactor marine nuclear power.

Keywords: lead-based reactor     marine nuclear power     marine equipment     deep-sea nuclear power station     unmanned    

Overall Development Strategy of China’s New-Generation Nuclear Fuel

Li Guanxing, Zhou Bangxin, Xiao Min, Jiao Yongjun, Ren Zhongming

Strategic Study of CAE 2019, Volume 21, Issue 1,   Pages 6-11 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2019.01.002

Abstract: : justify;">This study analyzed the worldwide status of and development trends in pressurized water reactor(PWR) fuel and material technology, fast reactor and other advanced reactor fuel technology, and materialPWR has been the dominant reactor type for nuclear power generation and energy structure transformationChina's fast reactor and fast reactor nuclear fuel development as well as its nuclear fuel cyclereactors, and nuclear fuel cycles in China.

Keywords: nuclear fuel     nuclear materials     light water reactor     pressurized water reactor     fast reactor     nuclear fuel    

Reliability prediction and its validation for nuclear power units in service

Jinyuan SHI,Yong WANG

Frontiers in Energy 2016, Volume 10, Issue 4,   Pages 479-488 doi: 10.1007/s11708-016-0425-7

Abstract: In this paper a novel method for reliability prediction and validation of nuclear power units in serviceUsing these factors, the equivalent availability factor of nuclear power units in the following 3 yearsFurthermore, the reliability prediction method is validated using the nuclear power units in North AmericanIt is found that the relative errors of the predicted equivalent availability factors for nuclear powerpower units.

Keywords: nuclear power units in service     reliability     reliability prediction     equivalent availability factors    

Advanced PWR Technology—HPR1000 and Unit 5 of Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant

Ji Xing, Chunning Jing, Yemin Dong, Li Fan

Engineering 2023, Volume 31, Issue 12,   Pages 31-36 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2023.11.009

Nuclear Energy Seeks Revival with Advanced Fuel Options

Mitch Leslie

Engineering 2021, Volume 7, Issue 11,   Pages 1508-1510 doi: 10.1016/j.eng.2021.09.002

Perception of people for the risk of Tianwan nuclear power plant

Lei HUANG, Jun BI, Bing ZHANG, Fengying LI, Changsheng QU,

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2010, Volume 4, Issue 1,   Pages 73-81 doi: 10.1007/s11783-009-0151-z

Abstract: A questionnaire survey of residents’ risk perceptions related to Taiwan nuclear power plant inCovariance structure analysis was conducted using risk perceptions of nuclear power as dependent variableand including interest and knowledge levels of nuclear power, acceptability, benefit perception, trustin nuclear power operation, and trust in government as independent variables.own perceptions of risk closely associated with acceptability and potential benefits of nuclear power

Keywords: nuclear power     risk perception     public involvement     covariance structure analysis     China    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Advanced Reactor Types and China’s Nuclear Power Industry

Hu Yalei

Journal Article

HPR1000: Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor with Active and Passive Safety

Ji Xing, Daiyong Song, Yuxiang Wu

Journal Article

Dynamic simulation of a space gas-cooled reactor power system with a closed Brayton cycle

Journal Article

Computational Tools for the Integrated Design of Advanced Nuclear Reactors

Nicholas W. Touran,John Gilleland,Graham T. Malmgren,Charles Whitmer,William H. Gates III

Journal Article

The Traveling Wave Reactor: Design and Development

John Gilleland, Robert Petroski, Kevan Weaver

Journal Article

A perspective of “Nuclear Hot Spring” for long-term sustainable economy of the world

Yingzhong LU

Journal Article

An old issue and a new challenge for nuclear reactor safety


Journal Article

Project Construction and Important Technical Innovation for Qinshan Phase III (PHWR) Nuclear Power Plant

Third Qinshan Nuclear Power Co. Ltd, CNNC

Journal Article

Igniting the engine, devoting to project development——outline of project development in nuclear energy

Mao Xiaoming

Journal Article

Development of Lead-Based Reactor Marine Nuclear Power

Wu Yican , Bai Yunqing, Li Chunjing, Li Yang, Liu Shaojun, Wang Fang, Jiang Jieqiong, Wu Qingsheng , Liu Chao, Zhou Danna, FDS Consortium

Journal Article

Overall Development Strategy of China’s New-Generation Nuclear Fuel

Li Guanxing, Zhou Bangxin, Xiao Min, Jiao Yongjun, Ren Zhongming

Journal Article

Reliability prediction and its validation for nuclear power units in service

Jinyuan SHI,Yong WANG

Journal Article

Advanced PWR Technology—HPR1000 and Unit 5 of Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant

Ji Xing, Chunning Jing, Yemin Dong, Li Fan

Journal Article

Nuclear Energy Seeks Revival with Advanced Fuel Options

Mitch Leslie

Journal Article

Perception of people for the risk of Tianwan nuclear power plant

Lei HUANG, Jun BI, Bing ZHANG, Fengying LI, Changsheng QU,

Journal Article